Nikau 6\7
Parkvale school
Howard street
Hastings 4122
May the 23rd 2017
Dear nicki
“Nicki you’re the best parent i’ve ever met. I liked the food and it was like i was in a new world. The dinner was not too bad and the gravy was taking forever to stir, the noodles were okay and it was the best masterchef i’ve ever done. Second you never lie because you are true mostly with everything and you are an adult. You cared a lot.
My favourite bit at camp was doing the masterchef because when we were doing the pancakes the boys mostly licked the pancake mix because they were hungry. Second of all we all had a turn but mostly I had two turns because I always learn and copy from my dad while we are doing the pancakes at home.
My next favourite activity was the amazing race because 1 fact about the amazing race was that when we went to the wire bridge it was much better.
An interesting fact was the great walk of Michael Noonan. (the headless horseman)
Michael Noonan was finding for his captain but while he was riding his horse the warriors were hiding and BOOM!!!!!! Went the gun well really it only shot the head part that’s why he is called the headless horseman.
Yours Sincerely